Theatre by Ricardo Henriques & André Letria

Practical book about theatre for children

Price: 45 zł

en:Opis produktu

This Theater that was born back there, behind the scenes of history, is Portuguese, sometimes you see Greek and even speak French: oh la-la, Molière, avant-scène, scaramouche. This Theater breaks the fourth wall that separates it from the audience, it asks for eyes to see and applause to clap. This Theatre, you can browse the pages to find good trouble, it has chilli peppers that don't sting in the mouth and chicken coops for people without wings. This Theater takes the stage so that a Danish prince can be or not be, to comb a bald singer and for Ernesto to be important. This Theater, full of comedies, dramas and tragedies, is an activity edited by Pato Lógico — now transformed into a stage animal.

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